We had a scary incident the yesterday that nearly changed our lives forever. Sophie nearly choked to death. We're not quite sure what happened, whether she swallowed something or if she burped up something and it got caught in her throat. Thank God Lisiane was next to her because she started making a weird noise and Lisiane ran over to her and notice she was choking. She picked her up and started hitting her on Sophie's back which caused Sophie to vomit and a lot apparently all over the living room and into the kitchen. To make matters worse, I was at work and didn't hear or feel my cell phone ring. To make matters even worse, Lisiane tried calling 911 but in her distress state and being so emotional kept hitting 991 and getting a weird recording. It is finally over and Sophie doesn't seem to be showing any side effects or any other symptoms. Lisiane latter went threw all the vomit and couldn't find anything other than baby food/formula and a few specks of rice crispy cereal.
We have been constantly thanking God in prayer that Sophie is alright and are watching her round the clock like a hawk. I'm probably going to spend money we don't have right now just to get a second play crib/bed so Lisiane can watch her down stairs during the day and not have to constantly climb the stairs.
I don't know what it feels like to loose a child, but if it is worse than this, I pray I never have the experience. Loosing my father was probably the worst day of my life, I don't want to imagine loosing a child.